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About Kirk Jackson

With a career spanning over two decades in sales, I've successfully marketed and sold everything from payphones to luxury properties. Many years ago, I made the bold decision to leave a secure corporate role and embark on my dream journey in real estate. Since then, I've become a master of pricing strategies and have navigated diverse markets across the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), from Hamilton to Bowmanville.
My specialization lies in residential properties, and I take pride in serving a diverse clientele with dedication and personalized attention. As a multi-award-winning realtor, I bring a wealth of experience and a proven track record of excellence to the table.
Beyond the world of real estate, you'll find me pursuing an active and diverse lifestyle. Whether it's hitting the gym, enjoying the camaraderie on a baseball diamond, cheering from the soccer stands, attending a ballet recital or hosting a lively family BBQ – my life outside of work is just as dynamic.
Speaking of family, they are my driving force. My wife and three children keep me on my toes, and family is unequivocally my top priority. This commitment extends to my professional life, where I treat clients like extended family. Building lasting relationships based on trust, care, and understanding is not just a business strategy for me; it's my ethos.
I've been fortunate to turn my passion into a successful career, and I would be honored to continue this journey with you. Whether you're a first-time homebuyer, looking to upgrade, or considering selling your property, let's explore the possibilities together. Your real estate goals are my priority, and I'm excited about the opportunity to be your trusted partner in this important chapter of your life. Let's connect and make your real estate dreams a reality!


Designation: Top Rated Real Estate Broker

Experience: 15+ years

Awards: 2023 Director's Platinum|2022 Master Sales| 2021 President's Gold| 2021 Sales Achievement| 2021 Master Sales

Area Covered: Mississauga, Brampton, Toronto, Milton, Halton, Whitby, Oshawa, Markham, Scarborough, Vaughn

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Kirk  Jackson

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